Saturday, July 23, 2022

Why shawarma is the perfect food for a night out with friends!

One of the most popular Middle Eastern dishes, there are few things in life as satisfying as a good shawarma fix. Whether it’s the juicy, succulent meats that come wrapped in fresh Arabic bread or the tantalizing toppings that can be added on top, shawarma is a food that always delivers. And what better way to enjoy delicious shawarma in Abu Dhabi than when you're out at night with your friends? Whether you’re looking for something quick and easy to eat or something more decadent to indulge in, shawarma is an ideal choice.

Different Ways to Enjoy Shawarma with Friends

If you're looking for fun and different ways to enjoy shawarma, you've come to the right place! Here are a few different ways in which you can enjoy shawarma when you're out with friends.

On a Platter

Most people enjoy shawarma as a main dish, but if you're looking for something a little different, try it on a platter. Placing the meat on a platter with other delicious sides like hummus, pita chips, and rice is a great way to enjoy it. Many different kinds of accompaniments are included in a platter: Pita chips, french fries, different sauces, rice, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, and more!

restaurant in Abu Dhabi, shawarma

As a sandwich

A shawarma sandwich is a great way to enjoy it. Shawarma that is placed on a sub roll or pita bread is just as tasty. This is a great way to enjoy it. Here, the meat is often shredded or even more thinly, and stuffed inside with vegetables, also finely chopped. They are a very handy option to pass around and eat conveniently.

As a Wrap

Shawarma wrapped in flatbread is the classic way to enjoy this dish. These classic Arabic shawarma wraps are often made with spicy meat, lettuce, and tomatoes. It is often served with a side of fries or pita chips for dipping. Hummus & tahini sauce are commonly added to hold all the ingredients together.

A great place to hang out or get delicious shawarmas is Shawarma Station. Their shawarmas are very affordable and always delicious. They also have many other delicious options like fresh salads, soups, and appetizers. You can dine-in or order online and have them delivered in Abu Dhabi right to your doorstep.

A restaurant in Abu Dhabi that provides shawarma is the perfect food for a night out. It is affordable, easy to eat, and most importantly, delicious. So why not give Shawarma Station a try next time you're out on the town with friends for some delicious shawarmas!

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

The Best Shawarmas in Abu Dhabi & Where to Find Them!

Shawarma is a popular dish in the Middle East, and there are many different varieties to choose from. From the beef or lamb version to the more familiar chicken version, they're all different and delicious.  You can find many different types of shawarma restaurants in Abu Dhabi, and there are a lot of restaurants in Abu Dhabi where you can get shawarma for a great price.

Here are some of the best varieties of shawarmas to enjoy in Abu Dhabi:


  • Chicken Shawarma:

Chicken shawarma is one of the most popular versions of shawarma in the UAE. It is made with shredded chicken that is cooked on a rotating spit and then served in a wrap or pita bread with salad and sauce. Some people also add french fries or other sides to their order. Chicken shawarma is a very versatile dish and can be adapted to suit different tastes. It can be made with spicy or mild chicken, and the sauce can be either tangy or sweet.

  • Meat Shawarma:

Meat shawarma is a Lebanese and Syrian dish made from thin slices of meat, usually, lamb or beef, and served wrapped in flatbread with vegetables and sauce. Meat Shawarma is usually seasoned with spices such as cumin, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, black pepper, and paprika. Herbs such as parsley and thyme may also be used. The meat is typically marinated in olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic before being put on the spinning grill.

  • Cheesy Chicken Shawarma:

Craving something salty and savory? Try a Cheesy Shawarma with Chicken! The shredded chicken is spiced up with classic shawarma spices, then grilled to perfection. It’s served on a bed of french fries and topped with cheese and creamy garlic sauce and rolled in pita bread to form a delicious wrap!

  • Spicy Mexican Shawarma:

If you're in the mood for a spicy Mexican-inspired dish, a Spicy Mexican Shawarma is the perfect meal. Shawarma is a Middle Eastern dish that is usually made with chicken or lamb. This is the classic shawarma with a Mexican Twist. The meat is slow-cooked with spices and then served on pita bread wrapped with your usual dose of french fries, spices, herbs, and special hot sauce.

  • Traditional Arabic Shawarma:

If you're looking for a delicious and hearty meal, look no further than Arabic shawarma. This version is served with garlic yogurt sauce, pickled vegetables, and no french fries. The dish is authentically Arabic and can be found all over Abu Dhabi.

If you're looking for great shawarma in Abu Dhabi, the best place to go is Shawarma Station. The food is delicious and affordable, and they even offer online delivery so you can enjoy their food from the comfort of your own home. So what are you waiting for? Head over to Shawarma Station and enjoy some of the best restaurants in Abu Dhabi!

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

How to make shawarma?

Shawarma is undoubtedly one of the most popular middle-eastern street food dishes well-known all over the world. It has a rich history stemming back to the 18th Century, when, it is said to have originated in the region that is now known as modern-day Turkey. The delicate process that goes into making shawarma is what makes it stand out from other popular middle-eastern foods.

Shawarma in arabic means “turning”, which refers to how the meat spins or turns as it cooks. The meat, often lamb or chicken, is sliced into thin layers, after which it is marinated with a special sauce. The marinade used depends on the region. The typical marinade would include vegetable oil, a variety of spices & herbs, and yogurt. Buttermilk can be substituted for yogurt. Condiments like fresh mint, thyme, black & white pepper, nutmeg, etc are often used in the marinade.

The meat is left to thoroughly soak up all the flavors & become tender. They are then stacked layer by layer on a vertical spinning grill. The meat has to be cooked for a long time. It’s the secret behind the taste & juicy texture that everyone loves. As the outer layers continue to cook, they are thinly carved off as the grill continues to cook. Oftentimes, the slow-grilling process goes on continuously throughout the day.

There are many different ways in which shawarma can be served; on a plate, as a sandwich, or as a wrap.

Shawarma, in most cuisines, will be considered incomplete without its own set of accompaniments no matter how it’s served.

shawarma, shawarma in Abu Dhabi

Plate / Platter:

A shawarma plate or platter is often served in a simple and open manner. Thinly sliced meat of your choice, sliced or chopped vegetables or a salad, pickles, french fries, and sauces accompanied by a flatbread often make up the usual shawarma platter.

It’s a great option to go for if you prefer building your own meal, or if you’re more conscious of the portions you eat.


Shawarma can be served as a sandwich is similar to a Greek gyro, however, the meat is more finely shredded, and the vegetables are finely chopped. Pickles are rarely served in the sandwich, if ever. Like the pickles, french fries are often served separately with an extra portion of sauces on the side. They are often presented in a loosely rolled, or folded flat; similar to a cold sandwich, but with arabic bread instead.


Tightly wrapped and served ready to eat on the go, this is the more popularly known variant of the classic shawarma. In the middle east, a variety of different flatbreads are used as the base, from the usual arabic bread to Saj, and the softer samoon bread, each type of bread gives its own character to the dish. The tightly wrapped shawarma is a lot more flexible and allows for a wide range of flavors to be felt when you take a bite. The juicy tender flavors from the meat, the salty crunch of pickled cucumbers, and a tangy sauce binding them all together, no wonder this dish is a fan favorite.

About shawarma in Abu Dhabi, most restaurants only serve the usual wrap, and at times, on a plate. However, if you’d like to indulge in some great-tasting shawarma, give Shawarma Station a try. Their menu features a lot of varieties of shawarma from lamb and chicken, in different ways, like on a platter, wrap, or even in bundles to share with friends and family.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

How to make shawarma easily in Abu Dhabi?

Shawarma is undoubtedly one of the most popular middle-eastern street food dishes well-known all over the world. It has a rich history stemming back to the 18th Century, when, it is said to have originated in the region that is now known as modern-day Turkey. The delicate process that goes into making shawarma is what makes it stand out from other popular middle-eastern foods.

Shawarma in arabic means “turning”, which refers to how the meat spins or turns as it cooks. The meat, often lamb or chicken, is sliced into thin layers, after which it is marinated with a special sauce. The marinade used depends on the region. The typical marinade would include vegetable oil, a variety of spices & herbs, and yogurt. Buttermilk can be substituted for yogurt. Condiments like fresh mint, thyme, black & white pepper, nutmeg, etc are often used in the marinade.

The meat is left to thoroughly soak up all the flavors & become tender. They are then stacked layer by layer on a vertical spinning grill. The meat has to be cooked for a long time. It’s the secret behind the taste & juicy texture that everyone loves. As the outer layers continue to cook, they are thinly carved off as the grill continues to cook. Oftentimes, the slow-grilling process goes on continuously throughout the day.

There are many different ways in which shawarma can be served; on a plate, as a sandwich, or as a wrap.

Shawarma, in most cuisines, will be considered incomplete without its own set of accompaniments no matter how it’s served.


Plate / Platter

A shawarma plate or platter is often served in a simple and open manner. Thinly sliced meat of your choice, sliced or chopped vegetables or a salad, pickles, french fries, and sauces accompanied by a flatbread often make up the usual shawarma platter.

It’s a great option to go for if you prefer building your own meal, or if you’re more conscious of the portions you eat.


Shawarma can be served as a sandwich is similar to a Greek gyro, however, the meat is more finely shredded, and the vegetables are finely chopped. Pickles are rarely served in the sandwich, if ever. Like the pickles, french fries are often served separately with an extra portion of sauces on the side. They are often presented in a loosely rolled, or folded flat; similar to a cold sandwich, but with arabic bread instead.


Tightly wrapped and served ready to eat on the go, this is the more popularly known variant of the classic shawarma. In the middle east, a variety of different flatbreads are used as the base, from the usual arabic bread to Saj, and the softer samoon bread, each type of bread gives its own character to the dish. The tightly wrapped shawarma is a lot more flexible and allows for a wide range of flavors to be felt when you take a bite. The juicy tender flavors from the meat, the salty crunch of pickled cucumbers, and a tangy sauce binding them all together, no wonder this dish is a fan favorite.

In Abu Dhabi, most restaurants only serve the usual wrap, and at times, on a plate. However, if you’d like to indulge in some great-tasting shawarma, give Shawarma Station a try. Their menu features a lot of varieties of lamb and chicken shawarma in Abu Dhabi, in different ways, like on a platter, wrap, or even in bundles to share with friends and family.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

مجموعة متنوعة من الشاورما متوفرة في أبو ظبي

 الشاورما هو طعام شرق أوسطي شهير ، وقد تم تسميته كأحد أكثر الأطباق المحبوبة حول العالم. شعبيتها في أبو ظبي لا تحتاج إلى مقدمة ، مع مجموعة متنوعة من الشاورما في أبو ظبي. ينبع المذاق والقوام الفريدان للطبق إلى حد كبير من طريقة تحضير اللحم ، عادةً من اللحم أو الدجاج ، أو حتى مزيج من الاثنين معًا. تُقطع شرائح اللحم الرقيقة وتترك لتتبيل لبضع ساعات. كلما تركت لتتبيل لفترة أطول ، أصبحت أكثر طراوة ونكهة. يتم بعد ذلك تكديس طبقات اللحم هذه فوق بعضها البعض ، وغالبًا ما تحتوي على طبقة من الدهون بينها ، على شواية عمودية تدور. بمجرد أن ينضج اللحم جيدًا ويبدأ في التحول إلى اللون البني ويصبح مقرمشًا من الجانبين ، يصبح جاهزًا للتقطيع إلى شرائح. يتم استخدام سكين نحت طويل لتقطيع شرائح رقيقة من اللحم المطبوخ.

اللحم ليس سوى جانب واحد من الشاورما. واحدة من أكثر السمات المميزة للشاورما هو الخبز المسطح المستخدم في لف اللحم. يمكن رؤية الشاورما الكلاسيكية ملفوفة بالخبز العربي ، المعروف أيضًا باسم البيتا. إنه خبز مسطح مخمر ذو طبقتين. خبز الصاج هو نوع آخر من الخبز المسطح الشائع المستخدم في تحضير الشاورما ، وهو نوع من الخبز الخالي من الخميرة ، ويشار إليه أيضًا باسم خبز التافا في شبه القارة الهندية.

الشاورما في أبو ظبي

نوع آخر ، أكثر ليونة من الخبز المسطح المستخدم في تغليف الشاورما ، هو خبز الصمون. وهو نوع من الخميرة المسطحة التي تستهلك عادة في العراق. مثل الخبز المسطح الآخر ، يتم تحضيره في أفران حجرية ، ويتبع وصفة مماثلة للخبز المسطح الآخر ، ولكنه يستخدم الخميرة وإضافة الثقافة الحية ، مثل الزبادي. هذا يجعلها ناعمة وطعمها لذيذ.

تحتوي لفائف الشاورما النموذجية أيضًا على خضروات مخللة. يُقدم مخلل الجزر والشمندر والخيار بشكل شائع. إنها مسؤولة عن الأزمة المالحة التي تواجهها عندما تأخذ قضمة. تستخدم صلصة ، غالبًا صلصة زبادي بالثوم ، لعقد جميع اللحوم والمخللات بشكل جيد. في الآونة الأخيرة ، يتم تقديم البطاطس المقلية أيضًا في الشاورما ، خاصة هنا في الإمارات العربية المتحدة. طريقة أخرى غير تقليدية لتقديم الشاورما هي تقديم الطبق على طبق ، ليجمعه العميل أو يأكله كما يشاء.

جعلت الشعبية الهائلة للطبق الشاورما تُقدم في كل مطعم آخر تقريبًا في أبو ظبي. وقد أدى أحد الآثار الجانبية لهذا الأمر إلى حيل لا طعم لها بسبب المنافسة الشرسة ، حيث بدأت المطاعم في تقليل الجودة لتقليل التكلفة وجذب المزيد من العملاء. أصبح من الصعب العثور على الطعم الأصيل للشاورما العربية الكلاسيكية.

شاورما ستيشن هي واحدة من سلاسل المطاعم القليلة التي رفضت التنازل عن الجودة واستمرت في تقديم مجموعة متنوعة من الشاورما في أبو ظبي. إنهم لا يقدمون الشاورما العربية الكلاسيكية الأصلية فحسب ، بل يقدمون أيضًا أنواعًا مختلفة مستوحاة من المأكولات الشعبية مثل المأكولات التركية والمكسيكية والفرنسية ، مما يقدم أطباق فريدة من نوعها على هذا الطبق المحبوب.

Variety of shawarma available in Abu Dhabi

Shawarma is a popular middle-eastern food, named one of the most beloved dishes around the world. Its popularity in Abu Dhabi needs no introduction, with a variety of shawarma in Abu Dhabi. The unique taste & texture of the dish stems largely from how the meat is prepared, usually meat or chicken, or even a mix of both. Thin slices of meat are cut and left to marinate for a couple of hours. The longer it is left to marinate, the more tender & flavorful it becomes. These layers of meat are then stacked on top of each other, often having a layer of fat in between them, on a vertical spinning grill. Once the meat is well cooked and starts to brown & become crispy on the sides, it’s ready to be sliced. A long carving knife is used to cut thin slices of cooked meat.

The meat is only but one aspect of the shawarma. One of the more defining features of a shawarma is the flatbread used to wrap the meat. The classic shawarma would be seen being wrapped in arabic bread, also known as a pita. It is a leavened double-layered flatbread. Another popular flatbread used in preparing shawarmas is Saj bread, which is a type of unleavened flatbread, also commonly referred to as tava bread in the Indian Subcontinent.

Another, softer variant of flatbread used in wrapping shawarmas, is Samoon bread. It is a type of yeast flatbread usually consumed in Iraq. Like other flatbreads, it is prepared in stone ovens, and follows a similar recipe to other flatbreads, but uses yeast and the addition of live culture, like yogurt. This makes it soft & tastes delicious.

shawarmas in Abu Dhabi

A typical shawarma wrap will also contain pickled vegetables. Pickled carrots, beetroots, and cucumbers are some that are commonly served. It is responsible for the salty crunch you experience when you take a bite. A sauce, often a garlic yogurt sauce is used to hold all the meat & pickles nicely. More recently, french fries are also being served in shawarmas, especially here in the UAE. Another unconventional way of serving a shawarma is to have the dish served on a platter, for the customer to assemble or eat as they prefer.

The immense popularity of the dish has left shawarma being served at almost every other restaurant in Abu Dhabi. A side effect of this has resulted in tasteless gimmicks due to fierce competition, where restaurants began to cut corners on quality to bring the cost down, and appeal to more customers. The authentic taste of the classic arabic shawarma has become harder to find.

Shawarma Station is one of the few chains of restaurants that have refused to compromise on quality and continue to serve a variety of shawarma in Abu Dhabi. Not only do they serve the original classic arabic shawarma, but also variants taking in inspiration from popular cuisines like Turkish, Mexican & French cuisines, offering unique takes on this beloved dish.

How To Make Delicious Shawarma in Your Kitchen?

Abu Dhabi is renowned for its thriving culinary scene, which features an exquisite fusion of tastes from around the globe. Shawarma is a Mid...